Welcome at <JoergIsAGeek>

I provide professional support for developing commercial cloud and web applications. Scalability, reliability, and performance are crucial subjects for customers. I’m an expert in these fields and can architect, design, and prototype cloud-native and web-based applications. I work mainly for large enterprises and manufacturers and have very good knowledge in renewable energy, e-mobility, smart home, energy distribution, grid, wall boxes, and other internet of things areas.

I work as a software architekt, consultant and developer for medium size up to large enterprises worldwide. Count on more than twenty years of experience with many big and and a lot of smaller projects.
A solid basis is vey important. Instead of running after the latest framework, developers should better learn the basics and get a robust foundation. If you want to learn from the best, you’re right here at the right place. I make a lot videos (Udemy), text books (Amazon KDP, Leanpub) and give onsite courses (www.IT-Visions.de).

My expert subjects are

  • Cloud oriented software development, especially Azure:
    • Web Apps, CosmosDb, Functions, MySQL, Azure SQL, Storage
    • Container, TSI, API, Logic Apps, IoT Hub, Event Hub, Service Bus
    • Azure Data Explorere / Kusto, Search Service, Power Apps , Logic Apps
  • Planning and Prototyping of full stack architectures, cloud-native
  • ASP.NET Core, WebAPI, OpenAPI (Swagger), GraphQL
  • Entity Framework (Core), LINQ, .NET (C#)
  • Docker, Azure DevOps

I consult companies in regard to the usage of web technologies, help introducing the shift to web and cloud, transfer the required knowledge and everything need to be successful. One main area is the replacement of legacy code (MFC / WinForms /WPF applications) with modern cloud technolgies.

The area „cloud native“ means the development of complex, robust, and powerful architectures based on the building blocks cloud providers such as Azure and AWS provide. The consulting is technology agnostic and follows always customers needs.

I’m an active devleoper and can show everything hands on, not only in theory and PowerPoint.

Eager to Learn?

Look for books and videos in the main menu. Some free stuff can be found there to start with.


Download my current CV / profile here in English language.


I’m glad to announce my great NPM packages. First, an advanced forms validation and model editor library — written for Angular. I’d love to hear some feedback. You can get it SVOGV on npm and the sources are on Github. If you like to contribute just use the contact form. Check it out here:

I wrote @nyaf, a thin library that isn’t a fat framework but instead a very smart extension to Web components. In fact, it’s just a thin layer around Web Components. It has decorators like Angular, with TSX like React and with support of all the tools you know and love, like WebPack and Rollup. And it’s extremely small, indeed. Full of smartness, far above the average. Let me surprise you! Check it out here: