I joined several conferences as a speaker in the past twenty years.
- BASTA! Frankfurt, Darmstadt und Mainz (ab 2002)
- ShareConf und Collaboration Days (ab 2009)
- PHP-Konferenz, Frankfurt (1998 – 2000)
- ASP-Kongress, Frankfurt (2001)
- ASP/ASP.NET-Konferenz, Burghausen (2001, 2002)
- dotnet-Konferenz, Frankfurt (2002, 2003)
- dotnetcologne, Köln/Bonn Usergroup (2009, 2010, 2018)
- Prio Nürnberg für Neue Mediengesellschaft Ulm, München (2008-2010)
- VSOne, ppedv AG, Burghausen (2008-2014)
- JSOne (JavaScript), Köln (2019)
- Mastering Web Security (Heise), Online (2021)
- Diverse Usergroups im Bereich .NET & SharePoint (Hamburg, Berlin, Regensburg, München)
If you like to give your developers an introduction to some new subject, an overview of the latest technology or just a professional speech for motivation feel free to contact me. If it is 3 hours or just 30 mins, even outside regular office hours, I can offer you the best value.
- No limitation in number of attendees
- Knowledge from an expert
- The latest technologies and outlook to future paths
- Live coding, living presentations, from developer to developer
- 100% tailored for your needs
- Satisfaction guaranteed